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YHS Graduation Requirements

If graduating at YHS, students will need to complete all grad requirements and minimum of 10 credits in CTE coursework. We encourage and do enroll students in more!

  • Cleared obligations & 90% attendance

English - 40 Credits

  • Includes: 10 credits for English 1, English II, English III, & CSU Expository.

Mathematics - 20 Credits

  • Must Include: One year of Integrated Math

Physical Education - 20 Credits

Fine Art, World Languages, or CTE - 10 Credits

History / Social Studies - 40 Credits

  • Includes: Freshman Seminar, health, World History, US History, Economics & Government.

Science - 20 credits

  • Includes: 10 credits of Physical Science & 10 credits of Life Science

Career & Technical Education - CTE 10 Credits

Electives - 50 Credits