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Workability Works

Workability Works

WAI Program Information

  • The WAI program provides comprehensive pre-employment skills training, employment placement and follow-up for high school students in special education who are making the transition from school to work, independent living and post secondary education or training.
  • The WAI program offers special education students the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills.
  • The WAI program seeks employers in the business community who will give students with special needs a chance to prove themselves.
  • The WAI program is funded and administered by the CDE.

The program which is a grant, provides funding for on the job training for students. Students get pre-employment training, next, they interview for jobs at various sites in the area (partnerships) and then they are hired to complete 100 hours of training at that site. They are paid through MUHSD. Often they do a good job and then they are hired by that employer.

The staff places 300 students in MUHSD at different job sites.

Community Partners include:

  • Applegate Zoo
  • BBQ Pit
  • Bloom's
  • Carl's Junior
  • Clair's
  • Costco
  • CVS
  • Factory 2 U
  • H & W
  • Holiday Inn Express
  • Hylond
  • Icing
  • Liberty Market
  • Merced City Schools ASSETS Program
  • Miranda Thrift
  • O'Reilly's Auto Parts
  • Raley's
  • Trevino's
  • Taco Bell
  • Sierra Cafe
  • Sizzler
  • Walgreen's
  • Wired Cafe
  • Work World
  • 7-11