Welcome to the East Campus Family!
MISSION STATEMENTS: Provide the Yosemite and Sequoia High School students with support in academics, physical activity, and enrichment activities.
VISION: To develop and expand the after-school program to meet the needs of all returning and new students as well as inspire young minds to become contributing members of society.
For more information please be sure to contact us at yhsassetslead@muhsd.org Program Phone: 209-325-1600
MUHSD After School Program Opt-Out Form
Merced Union High School District has enrolled all current MUHSD students in the after-school program. This includes online tutoring services and fun enrichment clubs and activities, which students may utilize for free whenever they like. There is no minimum participation required. These services will first be offered only online due to public health concerns, but we will be providing services on-site once schools are able to reopen. For advertisement purposes, students may be asked if they will allow the tutor to screenshot them during their virtual meetings, provided that their parents/guardians have authorized MUHSD to take their photos. Parents may choose to opt-out of allowing their child(ren) to utilize the services of the after-school program. Additionally, students who are age 18 or older may decline the opportunity to utilize these services. If so, he/she must complete this form and email it to yhsassetslead@muhsd.org. Please complete one form per child.
ASSETs Annual Evaluation